Civic and Community Service

  • In 2018, co-initiated the work to improve civic-community communications.  Communications have since been expanded to include improvements to the City’s website, a much larger City and City department presence on social media channels, monthly City E-News, the recording and posting of all City meetings on Community Media YouTube and the MononaGo App, City generated text alerts, and regular spots and PSA’s on WVMO.

  • Worked with the Mayor to improve the Civic committee/commission/board selection and on-boarding processes.  

  • Co-Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee which designed Grand Crossing Park

  • Member of the Long-Term Facilities Advisory Committee

  • As Chair of the Sustainability Committee, led Monona’s commitment to 100% Clean Energy

  • As Chair of the Plan Commission, guided Commission approval of 6 new re-development projects (with more in the pipeline) on the commercial corridors of Monona Drive and Broadway, including Broadway Lofts and Townhomes, Monona’s first affordable housing project in over a decade

  • A member of the leadership team which successfully negotiated for the purchase San Damiano.

  • Led in establishing and developing the Friends of San Damiano (FOSD), served on the San Damiano Master Plan Steering Committee, and serve as an ex-officio member of the FOSD Board of Directors.

  • Steering Committee of the first Harry Whitehorse International Wood Sculpture Festival

  • As Chair of the Transit Commission, facilitated community engagement and decision making to contract with Madison Metro for more accessible and regional transportation.

  • Service as Chair or Co-chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Public Safety Committee, Parks and Recreation Board, Community Media Committee, Public Works Committee, Facilities Committee, and the Senior Citizens Committee.