Civic and Community Service
In 2018, co-initiated the work to improve civic-community communications. Communications have since been expanded to include improvements to the City’s website, a much larger City and City department presence on social media channels, monthly City E-News, the recording and posting of all City meetings on Community Media YouTube and the MononaGo App, City generated text alerts, and regular spots and PSA’s on WVMO.
Worked with the Mayor to improve the Civic committee/commission/board selection and on-boarding processes.
Co-Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee which designed Grand Crossing Park
Member of the Long-Term Facilities Advisory Committee
As Chair of the Sustainability Committee, led Monona’s commitment to 100% Clean Energy
As Chair of the Plan Commission, guided Commission approval of 6 new re-development projects (with more in the pipeline) on the commercial corridors of Monona Drive and Broadway, including Broadway Lofts and Townhomes, Monona’s first affordable housing project in over a decade
A member of the leadership team which successfully negotiated for the purchase San Damiano.
Led in establishing and developing the Friends of San Damiano (FOSD), served on the San Damiano Master Plan Steering Committee, and serve as an ex-officio member of the FOSD Board of Directors.
Steering Committee of the first Harry Whitehorse International Wood Sculpture Festival
As Chair of the Transit Commission, facilitated community engagement and decision making to contract with Madison Metro for more accessible and regional transportation.
Service as Chair or Co-chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Public Safety Committee, Parks and Recreation Board, Community Media Committee, Public Works Committee, Facilities Committee, and the Senior Citizens Committee.